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Wanaka Masterplan Community Response

The Wanaka Town Centre Masterplan project has reached an early milestone with the release of community ideas and insights and appointment of a consultant team.

For four weeks over September the Upper Clutha community were invited to join the conversation on what would make them spend more time in the Wanaka town centre.

QLDC General Manager Property & Infrastructure Peter Hansby was thrilled with the response and appreciative of the thoughtful and innovative ideas shared by residents.

“We received over 790 pieces of feedback and spoke to hundreds of people over the course of the campaign.  This shows how engaged Upper Clutha residents feel about the future of their town centre,” Mr Hansby said.

“The feedback will now be fed into a vision and key outcomes workshop with community stakeholders and the project team.   This is a really important part of the project – everything we do will be tested against the vision and outcomes to make sure we’re proposing the best possible outcomes for the Wanaka Town Centre and community,” he said.

Mr Hansby added that with the appointment of a consultant team, the project would start to gather more momentum.

“We’ve appointed a consultant team made up of Stantec and Jasmax to complete the Masterplan and associated Integrated Transport Programme Business Case,” he said.

All of the feedback, including a summary and more information about the project can be read online at