Queenstown’s Sherwood Top Ten Eco Friendly Stay in the World

New Zealand’s Sherwood hotel has been included in leading travel platform Expedia’s ‘Top 10 Eco-Friendly Stays’, and is the only inclusion from the Pacific region.
The former mid-80s, mock-Tudor motor inn and self-described community hotel ranked 10th in the list, which was compiled using data from Expedia’s global bank of more than eight million traveller reviews.
Situated on three acres of rolling alpine hillside overlooking Lake Wakatipu the 80-room hotel features an award-winning restaurant, bar and music venue, yoga studio, film production and co-working facilities and is complemented by a large kitchen garden managed under organic principles.
Sharing insight into the hotel’s ethos, Sherwood co-founder and director Adam Smith says, “ We believe Kaitiakitanga (the Maori philosophy of guardianship) – and a simple respect for nature, lie at the heart of any sustainable practice.
“Our natural environment and landscape are the reason the vast majority of people choose to live and travel here so for us it’s just common sense that we operate our business in a way that will protect and enhance it for generations to come.”
Fellow co-founder and director Sam Chapman also adds, “This has been overlaid with the business’s parallel value of Manaakitanga, showing respect and generosity towards others, which underpins all true hospitality.”
“Our business is nothing without people, so operating a business that shows genuine respect for our guests, our community and our staff is fundamental to our ongoing success,” says Chapman.