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Acclaimed, World-Class Futurist coming to Wanaka

An international futurist winning rave reviews around the world for his “mind-blowing” presentations will speak in Wanaka next month on “The Future of Work”.

Tané Hunter is the co-founder of Future Crunch, a Melbourne-based think tank with a mission to spread “intelligent optimism” in today’s rapidly-changing world. As well as speaking around the globe as a science communicator, he works at the cutting edge of cancer research as a bioinformatician.

Ignite Wanaka Chamber of Commerce chair Bridget Legnavsky says the Chamber network is bringing Tané back to New Zealand for a nine-centre speaking tour after he wowed the audience at the organisation’s national conference last year.

Ignite Wanaka vice-chair Mike Toepfer and executive officer Naomi Lindsay, the branch’s representatives at the conference, had both returned saying he was “a total standout”, Bridget says.

“So, when the Chamber organisation, nationally, decided to bring Tané for a speaking tour, our team was determined Wanaka be included, and got straight to work making that happen.”

Tané will be speaking at the Lake Wanaka Centre on March 13, between 5pm and 7.30pm. Tickets will be on sale to both Chamber members and the wider public next week.

The Future of Work’ is not just a fascinating heads up on where we’re at, and where we’re heading – people will take away practical tools they can implement to future-proof their organisations and capitalise on progress, rather than feel daunted by it.”

As well as providing up-to-the-minute insight into automation, disruption and changing work patterns, Tané will home in on how businesses can find the right people and build workplaces that will thrive in the 21st century, she says.

Mike and his Aspiring Law co-director, Janice Hughes, did not think twice about collaborating with Ignite Chamber Wanaka, as sponsor, to give the Upper Clutha business, and wider,community the chance to hear live, and learn from, one of the world’s leading futurists.

“We hear a lot nowadays about the astronomical rate of change our planet’s confronting, together with often mind-bending predictions on what the world will evolve to look like in our lifetime, and beyond,” Mike says.

“If I was ever in any doubt about the nature and scope of advancement heading our way and the need to keep up, I certainly wasn’t after hearing Tané speak last year.

“For starters, we’re in for some massive change in a matter of a few years, not decades – but, as Tané shares, if we’re proactive and schooled up, we can be approaching the future with confidence and excitement, rather than apprehension.

“Tané’s such an engaging, compelling speaker. He’s incredibly smart and at the very forefront of futurism. Having heard him myself, I can’t encourage people enough to get along. You’re bound to leave feeling inspired, invigorated and far better equipped to manage the challenges – and, most importantly, seize the enormous opportunities – that are in the offing.”

Bridget says Tané’s personal backstory is fascinating, too.

“He was actually on his way to becoming a professional mountain biker after winning a US title, before a nasty injury cut that career short.

“Fast-forward 13 years, he’s a futurist speaking to global audiences, and his ‘day job’ is using big data and machine learning to help beat cancer.”

Tané’s philosophy that people have plenty of reasons to be excited by what’s coming is a great fit with Chamber’s outlook, and its strong commitment to empowering and educating members, Bridget says.

“Our businesses tend to be forward-thinking go-getters, so I think his presentation is going to be a great injection of positivity and knowledge, stretch our thinking and have many knock-on benefits that will stay long after Tané’s left the stage.”