Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Forest Clearance Exciting

The harvest of nearly 200 hectares of conifer forest near Queenstown is creating significant opportunities for recreation and biodiversity as well as striking a blow against the spread of wilding pines.

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) Community Services General Manager Kenneth Bailey  says the council is completing the harvest of Coronet Forest that was originally established between 1984 and 1996 and will be inviting feedback from the community on potential future uses of the site later this year.

“Clearing thousands of Douglas fir trees means we’re one step closer to the ultimate goal of this project of creating a public reserve that can be enjoyed and cherished by our community for generations.”

“The next phase will be revegetating the area with native plants. It is likely to take five to ten years for flora to fully establish itself but as of now we’ve eliminated a substantial seed source for wilding pines that will help stop their spread across our landscape.”

He says he is looking forward to bringing different groups together around the concept of tautiakitanga – to manage, protect and preserve the environment on the reserve.

“We’re already working with groups involved with activities like conservation, walking, biking and horse-riding and will soon open up the conversation with the wider community to create a reserve linked to our community and shared by it.”