Connecting With Nature

Passionate apiarist Barna Szocs hasn’t looked back since opening his bee hive rental operation Tiaki Bees in the Southern Lakes in 2020.
“There have been so many positive interactions and great feedback from clients from all walks of life. It is very reassuring and heart-warming when a young child shouts ‘the Beeman is here’ or when kids can tell the difference between a bee and wasp from an early age.”

“The willingness of local businesses in Queenstown, Wānaka and Central Otago to rent a hive or sponsor a hive for local schools has been amazing as has the enthusiasm from chefs and restaurants receiving their honey and vegetables grown beside their hives,” he says.
Barna says young Kiwi families with small children managing to find space to host a hive and grow vegetables is inspiring.
“Our clients are very interested in bees and the environment and after having our bees at their property are more in tune and connected with nature. Often we hear stories of children and grandchildren watching the busy bees come and go from the hive, asking questions from their parents and showing they are deeply interested in the process.”
Tiaki Bees is currently involved with the pollination of local orchards and farms.
“We’re collaborating with an innovative local company creating dispensers that can be fixed to hives so the bees not only pollinate but at the same time spread an organic treatment to surrounding flowers. It’s not harmful for bees and can be used by farms that produce organic produce. We believe less chemicals going into food and the closer we stay to the natural practices the better.”
Barna says hosting a Tiaki Beehive is an easy and straightforward process with spring being the best time to introduce a beehive.
“If ever someone was thinking of getting some bees, spring is a great time to take on a hive with all the fresh growth emerging. One of our team members will assess a property with no commitment. If it all comes together we deliver the hive and put it in place.”
“From there on we visit on average once a month and make sure the bees are healthy, happy and productive. Our clients don’t need to do any work, we take care of everything and they just sit back and enjoy the benefits.”